A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, September 26, 2014


1. I recieved a sweet card in the mail last weekend that will impact my small reading groups. I am very thankful for this thoughtful gesture and made sure that I paid it forward. 

2. My little Nousin Tilly turned O-N-E and her Momma (I'm sure Kyle helped too) put together the most adorable party!

Cutie Pa-Tootie! 

3. I am fortunate enough to be a KTIP (Kentucky Teacher Internship Program) mentor this year to a first year teacher. I spent the day in her 1st grade classroom one day this week. I hope that I am able to provide her with guidance and support that any first year teacher will need.  It also really made we want to go to primary even more! ;)

4. Feeling EXTREMELY thankful for the generous gift from the eBay Give Team from my dad's work eBay Enterprise! I applied for a grant for the new Girls on the Run Team at school and what do you know they presented us a check today for $3000! HOLY COW!!! I was in shock...they doubled what I even applied for!! I am so thankful that Ms. Porter and I will be able to pay for the girls registration fees, buy them proper clothing, and tennis shoes! This grant will also pave the way for the new team in the Spring! I am not sure the girls quite understand the magnitude of what this means for them, but I know that they will in years to come! My heart is full. 

Mom and Pops came to school! Of course my kiddos were little angels in front of them!

Thank you eBay!!

Wow! That's a big check! 

5. T-minus 2 shifts.

Two of my favs at CPK! 

I hope you had a great week!

Friday, September 19, 2014

High-Five for FRIDAY!!!!

1. Celebrated PaPa' 92nd Birthday last weekend! Most adorable PaPa ever! 

2. I am sure most of you know I am going to be an aunt times 2, but the news that one of the little nuggets is going to be a GIRL was shared and it was awesome!!!! 

Love these guys to the moon and back!

My little SIL and Lillian Rose in the belly of course...lol

Yep, pretty pumped!

3. Went out to celebrate Sean's birthday!!! Enjoyed being able to hang out with some pretty cool CPKers! 

4. T-Minus 3 more shifts to go! EEEKKKK! 

5. Thankful for family time watching to UofL game last weekend (even if we did lose). 

6. Thankful I made it through another 5 day week. Shew! 

I hope you had a great week!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Goodness!

1. So very excited that I ran in a 5K last weekend! It has been over 3 years since I have RAN in a race. I loved being able to add my racing bib to my collection. I am determined to keep making sure I have time to take care of myself!

My friend Michelle ran too!!! 

2. Game 2 of the season is in the books. UofL played Murry State to bring the Cards to 2-0!

Two Peas-in-a-Pod
He may kill me for this, but we were just being super silly and this makes me laugh. Hope you laugh too! 

LOVE this pic!

3. The anniversary of 9/11 was yesterday and I am so thankful that I was able to visit the memorial with my Aunt Christy and Cousin Chris.
She is B-E-A-UTIFUL!!

4. At school if we started and keep up with a classroom Twitter account we will earn $$ for our classroom. This is HUGE considering I am in desperate need of class and group sets of books. 
Follow us @GLERoom106!

5. I love dinner with my work family! 
Love me some Mrs. Welch!!! 

6. GOTR is continuing to be awesome! I am so in love with all of the goodness going on and so proud of how hard the girls are working! 


7. So my class is a pretty tough one this year. I'm working hard to get students the help they need and making sure they have structure, care, and consistency. It's going to take some time, but I am certain that we will get there. I am working on and feel that I am doing a pretty good job of not carrying everything home with me. When it's done...it's done. I am no longer dwelling or worrying myself to death, but instead taking everything in stride and looking forward. A classroom doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. Despite all of the bumps we have throughout the day...wonderful things are happening!  

I love my kiddos through the good, the bad, and the ugly!

8. I put my notice in at CPK. Yes people, I really did! Well, Casey did write it, but I signed it. I just couldn't bring myself to write the words out. This is what he came up with...

Dear CPK, 
This is my two week notice. My last available day to work at CPK will be October 19, 2014. It's been real, it's been fun, and at times it's been real fun.
Kimberly A. Weiter

Kim Fun Facts:
Kim has been employed at CPK for 3,350.
Kim has survived 15 managers, 4 of which were GMs
Kim has literally held every FOH position.
Kim was the highest paid hostess ever! $10.75
Kim met her best friends at CPK
Kim's favorite thing is STILL the BBQ salad. 

My last day is actually going to be Sunday October 5, 2014. I had previously asked off for October 12th, and that would be silly to work the 5th, be off for two weeks and then come back on the 19th. SOOOOO.....

If ya want me to wait on ya... T-Minus 4 shifts to go!!! 

For the record...this is a pretty tough thing for me to do. 

I hope you had a fabulous week! 

Friday, September 5, 2014

It's September!

1. I am thankful for 3-day weekends. Yes, I know I have a lot of time off in the summer, but there is nothing like a day to regroup. Last weekend was a wonderful 3-day weekend! 

2. FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE! I am so excited! Monday was such a great day and so fun tailgating and spending the day relaxing with some of my favorites!
My Favorites!

Love our bond of UofL Football!!

3. We had our first Girls on the Run practice this week. I had a blast, but that's not what is important. The girls were such troopers and tried their best! I am excited for our season. I have a pretty awesome co-coach too!!!

4. My friend Jayne is having a BOY and that's pretty darn awesome! It's been so cute hearing her students talk about how they are going to have a little brother! 

5. We had Open-House at school this week and I am glad that I was able to meet some of my kiddos families. My sweet little Cameron from last year came to visit with his sister, Kayden. He is still just as precious and in love with middle school! 

I hope you had a good week!