A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, October 31, 2014


I thought September went by fast....October seemed to pass in the blink of an eye! So many awesome moments to be thankful for...

1. The month started with  a 3 day weekend! Those are very much appreciated. Time to regroup is key for a teacher...at least it is for this one!

2. Completed The Great Pumpkin 10K!

Race #2 of 3! 

3. Worked my last shift at CPK. Such a bittersweet day. The day was super special with a lot of my favorites stopping in to eat. Means a lot that they helped me close out that chapter in my life.

4. Went on a bus trip to the UofL vs. Clemson game. Such a fun weekend!

5. Had a family dinner to celebrate the rents birthday's. Family dinners are the best!

6. Went on two field trips at school. We went to BizTown and Huber's. My crazy kiddos were really good on both trips!

7. Completed my 9th 1/2 marathon after not running for 3 years. This was such a proud moment for me and definitely motivation to keep pushing forward for a 10th race soon!

8. Had such a fun night at the UofL vs. FSU game. Of course I wish we would have won, but at the end of the day...it's just a game and there were some really fun and exciting moments in that game. I.Heart.Parker!

9. I took a day off and I do not feel bad about it. :) I slept SUPER late and loved every minute of it.

10. I am currently taking a literacy class through Bellarmine and JCPS. I know you are super curious as to WHY I continue to put things on my plate. I really do LOVE learning new things! Anyways....I earned a 99% on my paper and that's pretty exciting.

11. I am going to be an Aunt soon!

12. My class participated in Kid Presidents #Soctober challenge.We collected over 100 pairs of socks to donate to a homeless shelter. Not to shabby for our first go-around.

13. National Boards has been popping in my mind a lot recently. I will know hopefully by the end of November. EEEEEKKKKKKKKK!  

I hope that you had a super awesome month too!!! 


Kayden's pumpkin for the career decorating contest at school. 

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