A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Past Few Weeks Summed Up!

I was extra MIA while finishing up my portfolio. I am currently in the midst of studying for my assessment that is on June 12th. I wanted to take a moment to catch everyone up on the wonderfulness of my life. I do not want to get to far behind on my blogging quest.

A few things that made me smile...

1. I found out that I was going to be an AUNT!!!! So excited!!!!

I want to be this kind of Aunt! 

2. I missed all of the Derby fun, but I am glad that everyone had a sunny day to celebrate our wonderful city.
We had "Mock"tails of white grape juice and Sprite at school. It was rather yummy! 

3. We showered my cousin Alyssa with lot's of fun things for baby Peyton! She will be here soon!

My new little nousins in the bellies! 

4. I took my kiddos to the Frazier Museum and The KY Show. They were awesome! It was such a fun day and a great review of the Civil War.

They LOVE the wax figures! 

5. Craig and Lisa hosted a Mother's Day brunch. It was a relaxing time for sure! Glad we were all able to celebrate my wonderful Momma as a fam!


My Favorites! (Of course Lacie and Zoe are too!)

6. Had a wonderful girls night dinner to celebrate Kara's big move!

My friends are awesome! 

7. My class made it through testing. Everyone tried their best and that's all I can ask for!

Pep-Rally Fun!

THIS is why I teach.

8. The end of the year is near and it is definitely bittersweet. I already cried at graduation practice last week. I love em!

9. I passed these while walking in Kroger one day and stopped to take a pic because they reminded me of a dear friend! 

10. No words...just a melted heart. 

11. Final thoughts...this stuck out to me and I made a mental note of it. 

12. Me and my not perfectness is finally getting back on the "program" that is not really a program, but a more healthy me path. I let my learning goals and work always take precedent over health. IT'S NOT OKAY TO DO THAT!!!! 

I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A little chapter...

I'll probably catch you all up with the blog this weekend. I took a short break while I finished things up so stay tuned on how wonderful life is....

In the mean time...

Here are some thoughts from my National Boards Process. 

This crossed my mind May 2013 when I first committed to this process. 

A few months in during a PLC at school I had a break down.

What was I thinking?!?!?! Taking this on with everything else I already have on my plate. 

 Quitting was not an option! Never was, never is, and never will be. 

The entire process seemed like a tornado with having this and that and that and this to focus on....

I held on because I knew the storm would soon pass. 

I'm not sure I could have done this without an amazing student teacher. She took such great care of my class when I had my work days!

I especially could not have done this without my family and friends! (Thanks everyone!)

Then of course everyone had a hand in pressing submit.

and I had a moment of this...


Finished with my 4-part portfolio that is....

Now it's time to study...

For the 6-part assessment! 

Then I (Well we, because you are with me!), spend the next 5 months in the...


We will hear the news sometime around Thanksgiving! It will be time to....



is in my future! 

I cannot thank you all enough for supporting me through the most challenging educational task I have ever taken on!
