A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

{Currently-August} {8/2/15}

It's a new month and that means a new link- up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade! This new month brings so many mixed emotions. The sadness of summer closing and the excitement of a new year are two of the many. 

Listening: I really enjoy living alone. I do not take the quietness for granted. It's a plus after a long day at work.

Loving: My nieces are A-mazing! Period. End of story. That is all.

Thinking: I am going to make sure I find the perfect balance of enjoying the last bit of summer and making sure to accomplish some necessary school tasks. Our school is being renovated so the classroom set-up will happen in speed mode a few days before the kiddos arrive. It will be crunch time for sure, but it's nice that I am essentially being forced to stay away. 

Wanting: To keep trucking on my goal to run 650 miles for the year of 2015. I fell behind my monthly average in May, but was able to make up some of the miles in July. I'll need to average 57 a month to reach my goal. I've got this! 

Needing: I met with my new teammate and instructional coach last week to plan some for school. It's one of those things that you know what you are going to do, you just need to prep and get it done.

B2SRAK: I enjoy helping some pretty close gals set up their classrooms. Give me a task and I'll get it done. It's different in someone else's room because you do not become so easily distracted or scatterbrained. 

Happy August Ya'll!
