A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

End of the Year Catch Up

A few end-of-the-year moments....

Someone shared this quote with me when I found out that I did not certify this year with National Boards. It was a huge pick-me-up and a some motivation too! 

I had a HUGE shopping day for the Girls on the Run team. Thank you eBay for making this possible. I am not a shopper,but I definitely had a fun-filled Saturday afternoon picking out tons of goodies for the girls! 

I do what I do for the kiddos I am lucky enough to work with. Being able to provide the team with such wonderful items will be an experience I will never forget. I cannot wait to do it again in the Spring. 

I had bought a ticket to the UofL vs. Notre Dame football game. I was extremely excited about it and then I found out that the GOTR 5K was the same day. I immediately knew that I had no option but to sell my ticket. I wasn't sure what to expect with the running season and the 5K, but it was an AMAZING day! The girls were smiling from ear to ear all week at school. They came to school wearing their medals to show off their bling! A lot of them want to be on the team in the Spring too! 

Annual Weiter Thanksgiving Mass 7am at St. Agnes. 

For the last game of the season we tailgated "old-school" style. My dad unfortunately couldn't make it because of work and he mans the RV operation. It's a big undertaking that a lot of people do not realize. I know he loves it and how much the RB brings people together. 

Lisa's sister, Julie, hosted and adorable shower for Lisa and Baby Lillian! 

I  cannot wait to see Lilly in this adorable outfit! 

I made it to Book Club!!!! Jayne mentioned to me that we would be celebrating Leslie's Birthday that evening. I thought that would be the perfect evening to catch up with people that I love dearly. Then, to Jayne's surprise- Kelly was creative and thought of a way we could celebrate Baby Greyson too. In 2015, I want to make sure I frequent Book Club more often!

My Mom, Kathy, and I hosted a shower for Lisa and Baby Lillian. I could not be more excited for Craig and Lisa and they prepare for Lillian's arrival!

I think that since I have been to the Weiter Granddaughter Ornament Exchange it makes me a regular. ;) Again, I want to continue to make things I enjoy more of a priority. I have definitely gotten better at that since I turned 30 last year and it's something that I want to continue! Not being at CPK has definitely helped.

The last few weeks before Holiday Break were a little hectic, but there is always time for a little bit of fun! The staff I work with continue to be awesome! Most supportive team ever! 

Genna and I celebrated our birthdays a little belated by going to lunch and seeing The Nutcracker. Neither of us had every seen it before. One of my students was an angel. Her part was small, but being able to see her do something in front of so many people and on such a big stage was super cool! 

Lacie doesn't really care that UK beat UL...she just wants to chair steal! Love her so much! 

I received a trip to the Belk Bowl for Christmas! I watched probably the worst game that UL has played in a few seasons. NOTHING clicked! NOTHING went right! NOTHING worked! BUT at the end of the day.....it's a game. I love the sport and I love my team, but most of all I love how my team brings together the people I love most. A loss cannot take away memories that were made!


I hope that your year rounded out well. Life is only going to continue to get better. Make sure to live it one day at a time and make each day a masterpiece.


Monday, December 15, 2014


Where has the month of November gone?!?!?! I cannot believe it's already the end of the third week. Crazy how fast time is flying by!!!

That was the couple of sentences that I had saved ready to be added to and posted. Looks like I became a little tied up. So much goodness has gone on that I cannot wait to share, but it looks like I will have to wait until later in the week...

So I guess I leave ya with a Hello Mid...

 ! :)


I hope all is well in your neck of the woods! 
